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The city includes opportunities as well as constraints for humans and other animals alike. Urban animals are often subjected to complaints; they transgress geographical, legal as and cultural ordering systems, while roaming the city in what is often perceived as uncontrolled ways. But they are also objects of care, conservation practices and bio-political interventions. What then, are the "more-than-human" experiences of living in a city? What does it mean to consider spatial formations and urban politics from the perspective of human/animal relations? This book draws on a number of case studies to explore urban controversies around human/animal relations, in particular companion animals: free ranging dogs, homeless and feral cats, urban animal hoarding and "crazy cat ladies." The book explores zoocities, the theoretical framework in which animal studies meet urban studies, resulting in a reframing of urban relations and space. Through the expansion of urban theories beyond the human, and the resuscitation of sociological theories through animal studies literature, the book seeks to uncover the phenomenon of humanimal crowding, both as threats to be policed, and as potentially subversive. In this book, a number of urban controversies and crowding technologies are analysed, finally pointing at alternative modes of trans-species urban politics through the promises of humanimal crowding - of proximity and collective agency. The exclusion of animals may be an urban ideology, aiming at social order, but close attention to the level of practice reveals a much more diverse, disordered, and perhaps disturbing experience."

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In this eloquent and accessible book, famed biologist David Sloan Wilson provides new answers to this age-old question based on the latest developments in evolutionary science.Individual essays look afresh at sources for the study of the medieval English road system, legal definitions of the highway, road-breaking and road-mending, wayfinding and the architecture of the street and its role in popular urban government.It is now a distinct and exceedingly dynamic science that melds theoretical approaches with practical experience.Altruism defined in terms of thoughts and feelings is notably absent from religion, even though altruism defined in terms of action is notably present.Effective activities in MasteringBiology help readers further visualize and understand complex biological processes.In The Shelf , Rose investigates the books on her shelf with exuberance, candor, and wit while pondering the many questions her experiment raises and measuring her discoveries against her own inner shelf-those texts that accompany us through life.Possehl. The focus of these years was on the monumental stone "towers" of the third millennium BC, looking at the when, how, and why of their construction through large-scale excavation, GIS-aided survey, and the application of radiocarbon dates.This highly illustrated critique of towns and cities draws on examples from across Western Europe, South Africa and USA to examine both public and private sector development practices, controls and fiscal policies within a diverse range of localities.The handbook, divided into four sections, provides a comprehensive road map of basic research in nanomedicine as well as clinical applications and commercialization activities.