Masterplanning Futures in DOC, MOBI


Historically, spatial masterplans for cities often used a 'blank sheet' approach that actively disregarded the existing social and cultural structures that were to be pushed aside by the new urban plan, a top down process of proliferation of a single political vision through the power of physical form. Today's masterplanning activities attempt to deal more holistically with the physical, social and economic revival of urban centres, or districts, and show ways in which new neighbourhoods can be integrated into existing communities. Lucy Bullivant takes a detailed look at international masterplans and investigates the urban tools used in contemporary plans, and how these affect the development and success of the developing urban regions. Using firsthand accounts and illustrated throughout with colour photographs, plans and visualisations the book is structured as twenty individual masterplan case studies. With examples ranging from the one-north business park in Singapore and Masdar City in Abu Dhabi, to Xochimilco in Mexico City and the Waterfront in Seattle, the differing approaches to masterplans used in small, medium and large projects allows lessons to be learned for the future of this planning technique. This is a key book for those interested in large-scale planning and those looking at how planning methods are utilised throughout the urban world. The author's research was made possible in part thanks to a contribution from the SfA (Netherlands Architecture Fund)., In the past, spatial masterplans for cities have been fixed blueprints realized as physical form through conventional top down processes. These frequently disregarded existing social and cultural structures, while the old modernist planning model zoned space for home and work. At a time of urban growth, these models are now being replaced by more adaptable, mixed use plans dealing holistically with the physical, social and economic revival of districts, cities and regions. Through today's public participative approaches and using technologically enabled tools, contemporary masterplanning instruments embody fresh principles, giving cities a greater resilience and capacity for social integration and change in the future. Lucy Bullivant analyses the ideals and processes of international masterplans, and their role in the evolution of many different types of urban contexts in both the developed and developing world. Among the book's key themes are landscape-driven schemes, social equity through the reevaluation of spatial planning, and the evolution of strategies responding to a range of ecological issues and the demands of social growth. Drawing on first-hand accounts and illustrated throughout with colour photographs, plans and visualizations, the book includes twenty essays introduced by an extensive overview of the field and its objectives. These investigate plans including one-north Singapore, Masdar City in Abu Dhabi, Xochimilco in Mexico City and Waterfront Seattle, illuminating their distinct yet complementary integrated strategies. This is a key book for those interested in today's multiscalar masterplanning and conceptually advanced methodologies and principles being applied to meet the challenges and opportunities of the urbanizing world. The author's research was enabled by grants from the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE), the SfA (the Netherlands Architecture Fund), the Danish Embassy and support from the Alfred Herrhausen Society., Masterplanning Futuresuses fully illustrated essays written by the author, each dealing with a masterplanning exercise in a different cultural and political context- together with three essays specially commissioned from leading figures in masterplanning - this book critically analyses the process of developing a masterplan in the contemporary global context. Historically spatial masterplans for cities have all too often been top-down exercises in projecting power in the form of physical change at the expense of social and culture structures. Today, masterplanning has a crucial role to play, but as a flexible and fluid tool for delivering renewal. With examples that range from masterplans for entire cities in China to the Middle East through cohesive frameworks of new uses for a post-industrial zone to cities looking to reverse population decline and improve urban bio-diversity, Masterplanning Futuressets out a radical and exciting future for masterplanning in our urban areas. The author's research was made possble in part thanks to a contribution from the SfA (Netherlands Architecture Fund)., Winner of the Urban Design Group's 2014 Book of the Year Award In the past, spatial masterplans for cities have been fixed blueprints realized as physical form through conventional top down processes. These frequently disregarded existing social and cultural structures, while the old modernist planning model zoned space for home and work. At a time of urban growth, these models are now being replaced by more adaptable, mixed use plans dealing holistically with the physical, social and economic revival of districts, cities and regions. Through today s public participative approaches and using technologically enabled tools, contemporary masterplanning instruments embody fresh principles, giving cities a greater resilience and capacity for social integration and change in the future. Lucy Bullivant analyses the ideals and processes of international masterplans, and their role in the evolution of many different types of urban contexts in both the developed and developing world. Among the book s key themes are landscape-driven schemes, social equity through the reevaluation of spatial planning, and the evolution of strategies responding to a range of ecological issues and the demands of social growth. Drawing on first-hand accounts and illustrated throughout with colour photographs, plans and visualizations, the book includes twenty essays introduced by an extensive overview of the field and its objectives. These investigate plans including one-north Singapore, Masdar City in Abu Dhabi, Xochimilco in Mexico City and Waterfront Seattle, illuminating their distinct yet complementary integrated strategies. This is a key book for those interested in today s multiscalar masterplanning and conceptually advanced methodologies and principles being applied to meet the challenges and opportunities of the urbanizing world. The author's research was enabled by grants from the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE), the SfA (the Netherlands Architecture Fund), the Danish Embassy and support from the Alfred Herrhausen Society.", Winner of the Urban Design Group's 2014 Book of the Year Award! In the past, spatial masterplans for cities have been fixed blueprints realized as physical form through conventional top down processes. These frequently disregarded existing social and cultural structures, while the old modernist planning model zoned space for home and work. At a time of urban growth, these models are now being replaced by more adaptable, mixed use plans dealing holistically with the physical, social and economic revival of districts, cities and regions. Through today's public participative approaches and using technologically enabled tools, contemporary masterplanning instruments embody fresh principles, giving cities a greater resilience and capacity for social integration and change in the future. Lucy Bullivant analyses the ideals and processes of international masterplans, and their role in the evolution of many different types of urban contexts in both the developed and developing world. Among the book's key themes are landscape-driven schemes, social equity through the reevaluation of spatial planning, and the evolution of strategies responding to a range of ecological issues and the demands of social growth. Drawing on first-hand accounts and illustrated throughout with colour photographs, plans and visualizations, the book includes twenty essays introduced by an extensive overview of the field and its objectives. These investigate plans including one-north Singapore, Masdar City in Abu Dhabi, Xochimilco in Mexico City and Waterfront Seattle, illuminating their distinct yet complementary integrated strategies. This is a key book for those interested in today's multiscalar masterplanning and conceptually advanced methodologies and principles being applied to meet the challenges and opportunities of the urbanizing world. The author's research was enabled by grants from the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE), the SfA (the Netherlands Architecture Fund), the Danish Embassy and support from the Alfred Herrhausen Society.

Book Masterplanning Futures by Lucy Bullivant FB2, EPUB, TXT

Instead this rich, multidisciplinary collection of essays engages with a critical central theme - namely the idea of regulating through a social sphere - which recognises the embeddedness of economic transactions within a social and political landscape.Individual characteristics and societal features that affect planning, the types and applications of planning, advanced planning education and knowledge, and the societal situation and planning."If you want to energize your teaching, this is the book for you!The civil engineering and building of power stations are also treated, from the earliest planning and site selection studies, through estimating, finance and quantity surveying, to final landscaping., The planning and design of new power stations can involve complex interaction between the many engineering disciplines involved as well as environmental, planning, economical, political and social pressures.Bringing together a team of leading scholars from across the social sciences, this book challenges the 'eoeneoliberal city'e framework on several fronts.For anyone interested in growing their social media following, understanding web marketing, or keeping accounts secure, So Social is a must read.Moreover, each paper contains a section or paragraph that describes the impact of findings investigated by the author(s) for problem-solving in long-term planning of CT (as an application domain).In straightforward, easy-to-understand language, this compact guide provides advice on the advantages and disadvantages of delaying benefits as well as the best ways to maximize your benefits depending on your financial or marital situation.